
Program helps teens 'get the message' about distracted driving

A program to educate teens about distracted driving—including a tour of a hospital trauma center and testimony from a trauma survivor—can increase awareness of the dangers of texting, cell phone use, and other distractions ...


How much attention do drivers need to pay?

If it were possible to determine exactly what constitutes inattention while driving, it might be possible to detect inattention before bad things happen. That's critically important in light of advances in automated transportation ...


Personality may dictate how distracted you are while driving

Extraverted older adults and conscientious, curious teens may be more likely to engage in risky driving behavior, while agreeable teens are less likely to drive distracted, according to new research from the University of ...


Drunk, distracted drivers are double dangers

An accident waiting to happen: that's what an intoxicated driver is whose attention is further distracted by anything from a text message to dashboard controls. Such distractions are just too much to handle safely, even for ...

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