Any word on a cure yet? Most of us that have this at my age (most commit suicide before my age)are either hopeless drug addicts or are locked up. Very few make it to my age.
Very few of us figure out as I have that the hallucinations are not real and tell lies.

Why not just accept that you are unique and different. My daughter has this "disease" , so I empathize with your situation. Perhaps we give power to our illusions that truly don't exist. The key is to accept such interruptions in thought as just that. Interupptions, like those of a child interjecting into adults talking to seek attention. Love yourself for who you are and you will find that you never needed a cure in the first place.

Any word on a cure yet? Most of us that have this at my age (most commit suicide before my age)are either hopeless drug addicts or are locked up. Very few make it to my age.
Very few of us figure out as I have that the hallucinations are not real and tell lies.

Yes there has always been a cure. These delusional psychotic disorders are almost always caused by heavy metal intoxication. Lead, aluminum, mercury and more are very toxic. Lead in particular is known to cause schizo. Heavy metal chelation is the process in which the toxins are removed for a recovery. The heavy metals remain inside of your body in the place of minerals for life. Heavy metal chelation uses chlorella, cilantro, alfalfa, msm, nac, apple pectin, beta alanine, vit c, onions, garlic etc all have chelation properties which is scientifically documented. However, medical doctors cannot make money prescribing nutritional supplements-this is why there will never be a cure, by the dr. There has always been one.