But glucose is very important for brain functioning. This has also been proven through brain studies.

Which part of 'artificial' didn't you understand?

Normal white sugar consumed is not really that dangerous, unless one starts storing it as fat. Artificial or not, sugar is needed for the brain.

@betterexists that's some fine word salad you have there

hmmm... Is the artificial sweetener the cause, or the effect?

The researchers have clearly established an assumption.

Stevia is a natural product, is not an 'artificial' sweetener. I sense a corporate attempt to bring down the natural product along with the very nasty, unnatural products they have been putting in our food for decades now.

These conclusions are associative and not based on actual medical experimentation. They are subject to all sorts error inducing factors such as that most artificial sweeteners are consumed by people with weight control issues who are more likely to become diabetic. Not very many people who are of normal weight consume artificial sweeteners. Even if you replace all of the sugar in your foods with artificial sweeteners, the foods themselves still contain plenty of natural sugars and carbohydrates. So, if you are eating a balanced diet and using artificial sweeteners to reduce your calorie intake, your brain should still have plenty of glucose to function. It's these fad, starvation diets that make people sick.