The study shows sleep phases' effects on sounds played *while sleeping in that phase*. While we'd love to learn how to memorize experiences we sleep through, that case seems largely academic. Why didn't they play the sounds while people were awake and paying attention, then monitor the people for their sleep phases, and study the recall of people found to have gone through only one or another phase?

I always thought it was peculiar that I seemed to pick up french despite falling asleep in class --every time--.

I always thought it was peculiar that I seemed to pick up french despite falling asleep in class --every time--.

So? How's your french doing?

I always thought it was peculiar that I seemed to pick up french despite falling asleep in class --every time--.

I wonder if all the people falling asleep listening to Fox News explains how its fake news is retained by the population.

Researchers have now shown methods for imprinting memories while sleeping, with different effectiveness ratings for different sleep phases. A very interesting study would show the comparative effectiveness of imprinting facts vs fallacies, in each of various phases: different sleep phases, and different woke phases like full attention, distracted, background.

Though I expect propaganda media outlets would exploit the results better than either education or audiences would. Fox News would totally recalibrate to it, to say nothing of its even worse pursuers.