As parents of a child with Celiac's, we went gluten-free over 8 years ago upon his diagnosis. We eat MUCH healthier being gluten-free compared with our pre-gluten-free days.
As a family, we are very active, fit, and full of energy. From 5k's to full ironman, 140.6 mile triathlons, all done gluten-free.
To say people need wheat, rye, barley, or malt, is preposterous. To say those who are gluten-free require a multi-vitamin is also laughable.
Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, beans, nuts, non gluten-free grains like quinoa, corn, rice, sorghum, etc....the list goes on and on, these are all naturally gluten-free.
Go gluten-free...just do it right. ;)