I know this is just a trivial thing but; is it just me or does the title;

"New report suggests airborne viruses most likely cause of future pandemics"

sound as if it is confusing present tense with future tense?
Personally I feel it should be;

"New report suggests airborne viruses most likely will cause future pandemics"


"New report suggests future pandemics most likely will be caused by airborne viruses"

hunny, based on this article I agree that your second choice of headline is more accurate.

"New report suggests future pandemics most likely will be caused by airborne viruses"

However, I disagree with the premise implied by this article. For a potentially dangerous micro-organism to become lethal? It won't just be floating around in the air, basking in the sunshine.

Humans and our diseases have an ancient, intimate relationship. If airborne was sufficient? The hurricanes every year from Africa would have eradicated the American indigenous long before those dirty savages from Europe showed up!

No, it is our own farming practices and urbanization that are the petri dish for mutating diseases. As well as providing all-to-efficient means of distribution, human to human.

This clickbait headline will rile up the nutcases who blame their chronic ills on aircraft crews deliberately spreading germ warfare via aircraft contrails.