
Ring in the new year with a 'Mocktail'

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 30, 2020 (American Heart Association News)—At a time when many people are stress-drinking, a New Year's Eve sangria that's alcohol-free is a healthy way to say farewell to 2020.


High-sugar diet can damage the gut, intensifying risk for colitis

Mice fed diets high in sugar developed worse colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and researchers examining their large intestines found more of the bacteria that can damage the gut's protective mucus layer.


Sugary soda consumption linked to reduced kidney blood flow

Regular consumption of sugary soda sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) reduces kidney blood flow, which could be linked to a greater risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to a recently published ...

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