Psychology & Psychiatry

Angry people might not be as smart as they think they are

People who are quick to lose their temper are more likely to overestimate their own intelligence, a new study from The University of Western Australia and the University of Warsaw in Poland has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

From Love Island to HD brows, what you need to know about narcissism

The TV show of the summer, Love Island, is fascinating for many viewers – but especially so for personality psychologists. Mainly because the programme is a parade of rampant narcissism. Even if you can't quite define it, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender pay gap—personality affects income

Being high in 'neuroticism' and low in 'conscientiousness' can come at a cost in terms of income a new study has found. These effects were particularly strong for women, who benefited more than men for being conscientious ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do western societies promote narcissism?

Universitätsmedizin Berlin report that people who grew up in the former western states of Germany have higher levels of narcissism than those whose socialization took place in the former eastern states. Between 1949 and ...

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