
How altitude affects the body

Every year, thousands of people travel to high-altitude environments for tourism, adventure-seeking, or to train and compete in various sports. Unfortunately, these trips can be marred by the effects of acute altitude sickness, ...


Climate change could bring heat 'health crisis' to U.S. cities

(HealthDay)—Some of the leading hotspots in the United States are on track to become even more sweltering in the coming decades—thanks to a combination of greenhouse gas emissions, urban development and population growth.


Why Ryanair passengers were bleeding from the ears

A Ryanair flight from Dublin to Croatia had to make an emergency landing in Frankfurt recently after the cabin lost pressure. Following the ordeal, 33 passengers were treated in hospital, with some bleeding from their ears.


Caloric intake and muscle mass at high altitude

New research in The FASEB Journal explored why a group of young, healthy adults residing at high altitude lost muscle mass while severely underfed and consuming the same high-protein diet that preserved muscle during weight ...

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