Psychology & Psychiatry

Naked body image and self esteem

For people predisposed to take part in non-sexual nude activities body image, self-esteem, and life-satisfaction are improved by such participation. Now, research published in the International Journal of Happiness and Development ...

Overweight & Obesity

Treating obesity benefits children's mental health

Treating obesity in children and adolescents improves self-esteem and body image, according to an analysis of all relevant studies published to date. The analysis, which is published in Pediatric Obesity, included 64 studies.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adolescent self-harmers misjudge bodily sensations

Adolescents who self-harm experience heightened sensations across their skin and misjudge bodily cues such as hunger and headaches, University of Queensland-led research has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pep talks secret to better sporting performance

Giving oneself a pep talk may be key to improving female athletes' sporting performance and mental health, new University of Saskatchewan research shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to help a friend with negative body image

It's common to feel uncomfortable with different aspects of our bodies or to want to make small changes here and there. However, sometimes this dissatisfaction with our bodies can start to become a burden. Here are some tips ...

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