
New pathways open for female reproductive health care

Two important new avenues have opened up for women to access reproductive health care medications. Several high-profile retailers merit commendation for their contributing role. Their involvement is an example of conscientious ...


Texas IVF patients scramble in wake of Alabama decision

Heather Burzlaff has four embryos in a freezer in Dallas and she doesn't know what to do with them. After seven years of medications, egg retrievals and waiting, the embryos are all the 38-year-old Flower Mound resident has ...


Vasectomies still rare but on the rise in France: Study

Fifteen times more French men are choosing sterilization to avoid getting their partner pregnant than a decade ago, a study said Monday, even if those undergoing the operation are still a tiny minority.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Telehealth makes timely abortions possible for many, research shows

Access to telehealth abortion care can determine whether a person can obtain an abortion in the United States. For young people and those living on low incomes, telehealth makes a critical difference in getting timely abortion ...

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