Oncology & Cancer

Investigating mechanisms of aggressive glioblastoma tumor growth

Northwestern Medicine investigators have identified a metabolism-related gene that may play a role in recruiting immune cells to support the growth of aggressive brain tumors, according to a study recently published in Nature ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel immune inhibitor associated with glioma progression

Northwestern Medicine investigators led by Amy Heimberger, MD, Ph.D., the Jean Malnati Miller Professor of Brain Tumor Research and vice chair for Research in the Department of Neurological Surgery, have discovered a new ...

Oncology & Cancer

Sensory nerves appear to drive head and neck cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus studying interactions between nerves and tumor microenvironments have found that commonly used drugs like botox may stop or slow the progression of certain ...


Review discusses metabolic reprogramming of T cells

When foreign antigens trigger an immune response, T cells respond by proliferating and differentiating into two groups—effector and memory cells. Epigenetic and transcriptional pathways mediate this response, but the cells ...

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